Wednesday, May 6, 2020

United States of America in 2030 The Future Demographic

Question: Describe about those five business industries that will grow and face loss. Answer: It is hard to predict the future of the global business or economy based on the forecasts or the numbers. The pace of the business world is faster than ever in the recent days by the help of the globalization and digital technology (Cosgrove and Rijsberman 2014). However, based on the provided population data it can be only assumed that which five industries will grow and which five will be at a loss in 2030. The Five Business Industries that will grow may be the following ones: COUNSELLING and THERAPY: As the population will continue to grow and in United States of America it is estimated nearly 361 million, the work pressure will too arise (Hannan and Freeman 2012). Therefore, the medical sector proving mental help will increase. REAL ESTATE: As the baby boomer generation will hit the rate of retirement in the years 2027-2030, with the hold of money, they will likely to invest in the real estate sector. TOURS and TRAVELS: With the increased population rate and work pressure and a less access to entertainment the tours and travels business is likely to hit a high profit in the 2030. ENVIRONMENTAL and CONSERVATION SCIENCE: To make a better use of the natural resources it will be essential as the population growth strains existing infrastructure, green energy apart from any controversy still seems to bloom (Gordon 2012). STOCK MARKET: With the increased population and access to business, the stock market will receive a lot of light and will continue to grow. The Five Business Industries that will face loss can be the followings: PRINT MEDIA: With the increased population rate and the availability to the digital media the sector of the print media will fall. EDUCATION SECTOR: With the increased number of Baby Boomer and very elderly people, part of the education sector will receive a downfall. PRENATAL CARE: As there is only an incensement in the elderly age and the age group ranging from 5-12 will, decrease the mentioned sector will face a setback. AGRICULTURAL CRISIS: With the growing population rate, it is obvious that the need of the food crops will increase but due to the shortage of land less workers related to farm the agricultural crisis will continue to grow (Hannan and Freeman 2012). TRADITIONAL MANUFACTURING INDUSTRY: The traditional manufacturing companies will face a downfall due to the shortage of strong and able workers (Summers 2014). As the elderly age will continue to grow the manual labour which is needed in the sector will be less available. Therefore, the population growth largely affects the global business. This sometimes helps a particular sector to grow and some to decline based on the changed ways of living and basic needs. Reference: Cosgrove, W.J. and Rijsberman, F.R., 2014.World water vision: making water everybody's business. Routledge. Gordon, R.J., 2012.Is US economic growth over? Faltering innovation confronts the six headwinds(No. w18315). National Bureau of Economic Research. Hannan, M.T. and Freeman, J., 2012. The population ecology of organizations.American journal of sociology, pp.929-964. Summers, L.H., 2014. US economic prospects: Secular stagnation, hysteresis, and the zero lower bound.Business Economics,49(2), pp.65-73.

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